Board Meeting Minutes August 2023
August 5th, 2023
Clubhouse and on Zoom
All present, except for Cullen and Ian
1) Next board meeting date and location?
- Next board meeting? Monday Sept 18th
- Next club meeting? November 2nd
2) Treasurer’s Report
- Usual Financial info.
- Bank & Paypal: Account balances looking good.
- Need to purchase cooler tarps/covers ($10 each? Someone please purchase while we plan for a constructed cover
3) Activities
- Arrowhead Brewfest Sept 9
- Who’s going?
- Keg sign-up sheet- How many kegs are signed up? Have proper signage for our beers. ex. Beer name, Style, ABV, brewer.
- 2 Campsites- Are they up for purchase? Anyone purchased a spot yet? 6 people per campsite max (cost was $132 for both sites, 2 nights)
- Equipment–what are we bringing? Who’s bringing it? Jockey boxes. Kevin most of it, but Eric to bring what Kevin can’t.
- Oktoberfest
- The Dexters residence
- How much are we charging? $30
- How many tickets have sold so far?
- Jockey Boxes & picnic taps
- Are we doing the taco guy? Yes - Jenna said she would make pretzels with all the mustards & Tiff/Kathy will make some sort of dessert
- Also bring a dish - appetizer or snack
- Ordering restrooms? no
- Cleaning crew on Sunday
- Advertise silent auction early - asking for donations (personal brew equipment or brewery donation help) All proceeds will go toward subsidizing 50th party ticket pricing
- Include in next eblast & text closer to the fest: call for items (gift basket with beer & stuff, gift certificates to local breweries, etc.)
- We have a fair number of items “donated” by club members at the Shop
- Who wants to be in charge of the silent auction?
- Activities directors (Bob) to organize any keg toss, mug holding contest or whatever.
- Cleaning crew afterwards paid for by club.
- Change over brunch Nov. 12 is se.
- Is this set in stone? No - Ilan asked to change to Nov 19th - work for everyone?
SCHF - 50th Anniversary edition
- We need to plan this one out to match the immensity of our accomplishment.
Google doc has been created.
50th Anniversary SCHF "Classics" Bar
- Resurrecting the Classics Bar Concept:
- One bar filled with well-known Falcons beers. Things we’re proud of that show the history of the club
- Octorandall?
- Dougweiser
- Falconsclaws
- DONE - Heart of Darkness- Q & Tiff
- Hashiell 10 - MB (Sunday August 20th @ her house)
- Citizens Brew- Spoke to Larry and informed him if we do not get any members to sign up that we were going to pull out from the event.
- Quinlan? Fallon? Anyone else? Art Fitz, maybe Ed?
4) Vice President
- Anything new for DKM?
- Macleod – Date -Jan 27th
- Mayfaire - Santa Monica Brew Works (Date?)
- BOS winner to brew @ SMBW (Tiff to confirm with Avery)
- Competition Committee Meeting–When? After website is up - Nov. 14th
- Is the comp. website functional? Do all 3 VPs have access? - No and No
- Marketing - Drew, John A., Jamie
5) Grand Hydro
- What are we drinking- for November? - Imperial Stouts + RIS Comp
- Grand Hydro Comps:
- November - Imperial Stout (all sub styles invited)
- January - Mild’s Steam Beer
- Stuffed Sandwich - Dec. 16th - Live on Website
- Happy Hour:
- When is the next one?
- North Park
6) Webmaster
- Anything new?
7) Art Director
- Connect with Brian from Bravery to create label
- Start creating 50th artwork for swag & advertisements
- Connect with Art Fitz about past artwork archive - he wants to include as much as possible in the videos he’s creating for the party
9) Membership
- What are the numbers? 137 April-
- Active Members:
- New Members:
- Auto subscriptions:
- Any new discounts?
10) Publicity
- Club Recipe Book?
- What’s the future vision for this? Jaime can create PDF/BeerXLM/Beerfather JSON files over next few months to modernize. Should include recipes from both the current and old websites. Drew to give him access
- QR code note card?
- Shop Brews
- September 16th - Ilan - Pale Ale
- October 22nd - Rick - TBD
11) Newsletter
- Deadline for submission: Friday, September 1st
- Ideas for content:
- HBC recap (lots of bonding with other LA clubs)
- Upcoming events and competitions
- Upcoming Comps across CA?
12) Burger Meister
- Oktoberfest? No Taco Guy.
13) Secretary
- Anything new?
14) Other business?
We need to step up our presence at festivals, let’s get a bit more presentable.
- MB’s house- Casino Night Fundraiser - January 20th (Doug King’s birthday)
- How else should we raise money for the 50th party? Mayfaire sponsors
- Covers for the jockey boxes when we do not take the bar.
- Did we buy that 4th jockey box? Include the rack? If so, who’s going to change the beer lines?
- What about a multi-tap jockey box similar to Toaked’s?
- In advance of Oktoberfest?
- Do we want their old ones? No
- What about the remains of Kent’s bar?
- John to see if the tower from Kent’s bar will fit in 100 qt cooler
- Are we interested in that Phantom Ale stuff Ed found? It’s gone.
- Conference “Puck” for better zoom calls (Board, Club Meetings)
- The bird tap handles for our bars/set up. We will follow up
- We need to organize and sort out the totes that are in the rear of the clubhouse. Mid to end of October.
- Beanie Bar / now Nicolai Bar / soon Roger Bar–what do we do with it?