Brewing Questions
- "Wait is this legal? Isn't this moonshining?" - Brewing beer at home for use by you, your family and your friends is perfectly legal (Per year: 100 gallons per single person / 200 gallons per household). As long as you don't get "cute" and do anything that might be viewed as selling/bartering your beer - you're good. Moonshining, aka home distillation, is still illegal and is not what we do.
- "How Do I Get Started?" - The best way to get started is to brew! Our sponsor shop - The Home Beer Wine Cheesemaking Shop - sells starter kits that give you almost everything you need to get started. (You do need a 5 gallon pot, but they sell those too!)
Club Questions
- "What Is This Club About?" - We're about getting together and enjoying the strange art of brewing beer at home. We discuss how and why we brew. Oh and there's some beer drinking too! (Plus - we're America's Oldest Homebrew Club! We have experience!)
- "What Events Do You Hold?" - On the regular we hold:
- Monthly Meetings - Usually the first Sunday of the month from 11AM-? at the Home Beer Wine Cheesemaking Shop in our Club house. We move the meeting in case of holiday weekends and skip the meeting if we have a festival. Brewers can bring samples of their homebrew (~6 pack, 1 growler) to share and get feedback. We also have a commercial beer presentation, technical demonstrations and lunch!
- Virtual Happy Hours - The one good thing to come out of the COVID Pandemic! Every month we feature a virtual sit down with a brewery and taste a few of their beers alongside the brewer. Packs are available for purchase by members.
- Club Brew Sessions - The club has a large (40+ gallons) brew system at our host store. It's a chance to learn how to brew!
- Club Festivals - What's a beer without a party? Every year we gather for our Mayfaire (May), Sunfest (Aug/Sept) and Oktoberfest (Oct) to pour beers and enjoy food and music
- Competitions - What's a hobby without an opportunity to prove that your beer is the best. Twice a year we hold public competitions - The Mayfaire (April) and The Doug King Memorial (January). Members blindly judge the beer and award medals and a chance to brew the beer professionally!
- "Can I Attend a Club Meeting If I'm Not a Member?" - Absolutely! We love seeing new faces! Come learn what we do and what you can learn about beer and brewing. All we ask is that visitors be respectful of the presentations the brewers presenting beers.
- "Can I Attend a Brew Session If I'm Not a Member?" - Yes! Everyone is welcome to come and learn the brewing process from us. (Club brews typically take place the Home Beer Wine Cheesemaking Shop in Woodland Hills) The only caveat is that only club members can take wort home to ferment.
- "Can I Attend a Club Festival If I'm Not a Member?" - We ask that everyone who comes to one of our festivals either be a member or a member's guest. Our fests are not open to the General Public.
- "Where's My Order?" - If you ordered a physical item like a t-shirt or glass, email treasurer@maltosefalcons.com to check if the item has been mailed or delivered to the Shop for pick up. (This is an all volunteer operation, bear with us!)
- "Where's My Membership?" - Membership concerns are handled by the Membership Director. Email them at < href="mailto:membership@maltosefalcons.com">membership@maltosefalcons.com