Board Meeting Minutes March 2022
Maltose Falcons Board Meeting Minutes
Date: 3/14/2022
Time: 7:00 PM
Location: Club House / Zoom
In Person:
Ilan (President)
Jenna (Burgermeister)
John A. (VP and Competitions)
Ed (VP and Competitions)
Rick (Membership)
Quinlan (Publicity)
Jeff (Activities)
Drew (Grand Hydrometer and Webmaster)
Cullen (Art Director)
Kevin (Member at Large)
Gavin (Secretary)
Nicolai (Publicity)
Ian (Newsletter)
Robert (Activities)
Tiffany (Treasurer)
Not Present:
Eric (VP and Competitions)
The next Board Meeting is scheduled for, April 20, 2022 at 7:00 P.M., at the club house.
Finances are doing well at the moment.
New Glasses: Mini Tekus - Cullen has sent glass artwork to Tiffany.
72 glasses are being ordered tonight. Price will be $10 to members.
Concept of “Make Beer not War” discussed for future swag.
Cullen will be designing a Dead Palate pin.
Ilan will wait till after SCHF to look for club hands to refurbish the club bar., as we are not using the club bar there this year.
Ilan is attempting to organize volunteers needed to bring equipment incl. TV, EZ-ups.
Jeff is bringing the trailer bar, and Kevin will be bringing his bar and lighting.
Tiffany offered to bring Christmas lights.
10 passes sold to date. Price goes up this weekend.
Keg sign-up sheet is on website. Potluck Signup needs to go out.
8 people signed up for shop-brew and to take wort home for Braggin’ Rights @SCHF (½ BPA and ½ Ukranian Golden)
Mayfaire (weekend of May 20):
Camping @ Lake Casitas: Spots need to be reserved individually (Bob), but should be all booked together at the same time.
Quinlan to send email blast to members to get feedback on members’ interest in Mayfaire.
Shadow Grove Tasting (April 2):
Email needs to go out to attendees
GABF (Colorado, October 6-8).
Tiffany is the only member who has booked accommodations so far.
No updates at the moment.
DKM: Loose ends follow up: 75% of scoresheets have gone out - Ed will send out the rest tonight.
Mayfaire: May 14th at McLeods. Check in Sunday April 24th. Ed to get competition site up and register with BJCP tonight. Publicity is looking into a sponsor.
Grand Hydro:
April Topics: Nitro Beers…
125 Active members
Member discount @ shop is now 10% (previously 15%). Website to be updated.
Drew has a Falcon glass collection. Gain to catalog. Drew will donate collection to be displayed at club house as part of Faclon history.
Deadline for the next newsletter is 4/15.
Happy Hours:
Silva (3/25): Has to be pre-ordered in groups of 6 (4-packs). Add-ons are separate.
Upshift and Hermosa coming up in April.