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Board Meeting Minutes July 2021

Board Meeting Minutes July 2021

Date: 7/13/2021

Time: 7:00 PM

Location: Club House / Zoom*

In Attendance:

  • Ilan (President)
  • Jeff (Activities)
  • Robert (Activities)*
  • Ed (VP and Competitions)
  • Tiffany (Treasurer)*
  • Gavin (Secretary)*
  • Rick (Membership)
  • Quinlan (Publicity)
  • Nicolai (Publicity)*
  • Jenna (Burgermeister)
  • Ian (Newsletter)*

Not Present:

  • Drew (Grand Hydrometer and Webmaster)
  • Eric (VP and Competitions)

The next Board Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday August 24, 2021 at 7:00 P.M. and will be conducted at the Clubhouse.



Finances are holding steady.


Santa Barbara brewery train trip has only 12 people signed up so far.

The board voted to go with Tiffany’s design for the SB T-shirt in green.

Oktoberfest: We will be signing the paperwork tomorrow. Price to MF this year is $1,250 without use of the swimming pool. Swimming pool could be an option for an additional charge (a lifeguard will need to be hired).

Lake Arrowhead:  Max of 16 campers. The Brews Band will be there. We will be taking reservations on the website shortly, along with keg sign-ups, which will get you in free.

Three Collabs coming up:

  1. McLeods
  2. Highland Park, when they open up the new location
  3. Transplants


Jenna is bringing tri-tip and salad to the next club meeting.


Mayfaire: Over 200 entries have signed up. Check-in is now on Sunday July 18th. 

DKM medals are finally being sent out!

The board discussed purchasing chest freezers as coolers to store competition beers. Ian suggested an alternate idea of insulating an area cooling to keep temps down to standard room temp in the summer.

Rick brought up setting up the MF with Romancing the Beer.

Buying wall plaques listing competition winners was discussed - Ilan is going to look into pricing and report back at the next meeting. The concensus was to include all winners going back to the inception of  MF competitions.

Grand Hydro:

Next meeting GH topic  undetermined, as Drew was not present.


124 active members, 3 renewals and one new lifetime member this month.
A wall plaque for lifetime members in the clubhouse was discussed. There are a total of 16 lifetime members.

HandMade Brewing is now offering members a 10% discount.


The following issues pertaining to Club House upgrades were discussed:

  1. Outdoor furniture covers for the bar and brewing system were approved.. These will replace the current plastic garbage bags.
  2. Building a sunshade over the outdoor area (near the bar) at a cost of $250 was approved.
  3. Building a covering in the back alley to shade the competition coolers: Current bid to extend cover over the entire alley is $1,000. Ian brought up a possible concern about how long the club would be at its present location, given recent local development. This may determine how much we would be willing to invest in capital expenditure for improvements.
  4. Replacements for existing file cabinets (where brewing supplies are kept) that are rusted and falling apart have been approved. Costs will be shared with Cellar Masters. The new ones will be brought indoors.
  5. Tiffany will be talking to Scott Donahue, who is doing a lot of these upgrades.


Deadline for the next newsletter is July 28.

Next newsletter will promote Oktoberfest, besides having detailed info on the SB trip.


No update yet on the website transfer details.

Tiffany came up with a suggestion to publish a regular column: The Falcons would ask local breweries to provide beers, which will be judged by members and published in a regular “best-of” column.
Gavin suggested that members nominate beers for selection, rather than have breweries submit beers to compete, even if entries would be anonymous.

Happy Hours:

The last weekly HH is  on Aug 6, after which we will be moving to monthly HHs.

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