Sept 11th - SAVE THE DATE! 2021 Lake Arrowhead Brewfest
The 2021 Lake Arrowhead Brewfest is on! Mark your calendars for Saturday, September 11th & start planning your beer to serve now.
If you (or your beer) are coming please also make sure to complete our internal event registration form below!!
Location: Tavern Bay Beach Club
Time: 12pm - 5pm
Free general admission entry with 1+ keg of beer or 4+ bottles of mead. Otherwise, have to buy a ticket on their website which is $55 for GA. VIP is $90.
If you are camping with us don't forget to get your $15 CAMPING PASSES here.
Campsite is located at: North Shore Campsite 29102 Hospital Rd, San Bernardino, CA 92402
1 comment
Not clear so I hope this is the place to post questions about LABF. My first one. I have heard that if you bring a keg you get in free. Is that true? My son is joining me. If I bring 2 kegs does he also get in free? What about people who are not drinking. But they pay anything. And if they do what do they get?